FSMTA District Concerto Competition Procedures
District Concerto Chairmen: Thank you for your time and conscientious service. Please read all instructions completely pertaining to the District and State Concerto Competitions.
The deadline to submit the District Chairman’s Report is March 31. Each
District should send a report, even if two or more have a combined competition. The dates, location and details for the FSMTA Competitive Events can be found on the FSMTA Competitive Events page. Friday is for rehearsals only. All auditions will take place on Saturday.
Carefully read all the following information:
At your district awards ceremony, please announce that the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Concerto winners are obligated to represent your District and compete in the State Concerto Competition. The dates, location and details for the FSMTA Competitive Events can be found on the FSMTA Competitive Events page. Friday is for rehearsals only. All auditions will take place on Saturday.
Again, thank you for serving as a District Concerto Competition Chairman. Do not hesitate to call at 352-214-6676 or email at [email protected] if you have questions.
Anastasiya Naplekova
FSMTA Vice President for Competitive Events
- All student applications are to be filled out and submitted online. The registration forms will automatically be emailed to each District Chair, and CC’d to the student’s teacher.
- It will be necessary for you to communicate with the teachers of your district competition about the date, deadline date for entry, location, and entry fee along with any other pertinent information. As some of these procedures are new, it is especially important that district chairmen take time to make sure that teachers and entrants understand all competition rules, and work with them to facilitate the process.
The deadline to submit the District Chairman’s Report is March 31. Each
District should send a report, even if two or more have a combined competition. The dates, location and details for the FSMTA Competitive Events can be found on the FSMTA Competitive Events page. Friday is for rehearsals only. All auditions will take place on Saturday.
Carefully read all the following information:
- Select location, date, time, contest fee, and application deadline for your District Competition. Notify the FSMTA webmaster of your competition date and registration deadline so those dates can be posted on the state website.
- The deadline for sending District Chairman Reports is March 31. This report is filed online and can be found under the Concerto Competition Coordinator Forms section. Consider this deadline when choosing your District Competition date. District chairmen set and collect their own application fee, application deadline date, and competition date for their districts.
- Carefully check the completed submitted District Applications. Check that you have received the District Application fees prior to the District Concerto competition. Please remember that teachers who are members of FSMTA pay no fee for their students to enter the competition. Non-member teachers are required to pay a $40 non-member teacher fee at the DISTRICT level and an additional $80 non-member teacher fee at the STATE level if the student(s) advance to the state concerto competition. FSMTA teachers who renewed their membership after October 1 will also be required to pay a $40 district fee and an $80 state fee. This fee must be paid at the time of the application. This is a separate fee from the student application fee! The district fee is made payable to your LOCAL District MTA; the state fee is made payable to FSMTA. Confirm age requirement, repertoire for elementary level (refer to rules), teacher MTNA member number, etc. The teacher must enter all of his or her participating students in only one district competition, in a district in which he/she teaches. Additionally, confirm that last year’s State winners from your district who are entering again this year have been placed in the correct levels. A State first place winner may not participate in the same level again at the next District Competition, regardless of age. It is extremely important that errors are recognized before the District Competition event takes place. No changes are permitted at the District Competition.
- Select and hire three judges for each category needed. Two of the three judges are required to have proficiency in the category being judged. Discretion is given to the district concerto chairman and VP of Competitive Events if there are few entrants (3 or less) in any instrumental category with regard to number of judges and instrumental specialty. If only one student is entered in a particular level or instrument that student still needs to audition at the district level. One student per category does not guarantee that student to be a winner. Fill in the District Competition Rating Sheet (available on the FSMTA website) for each entrant and print 3 copies per student for the judges. Allow at least a 15-minute briefing period for the judges before the start of the competitions. No time is allotted for judges’ deliberation! District and State Chairs are encouraged to use Judges and Chairs Ballot Ranking Forms, available on the FSMTA website, to provide more transparency in the judging process. Include the Judge’s Ballot Ranking Form as part of the judge’s packet. Depending on the total number of contestants in each category, have the judges rank each contestant from lowest to highest (lowest = excellent; highest = poor). Use the Chair’s Ballot Ranking Form to record the judges’ ranks and tabulate the final award results. Remember to remind the judges that they are NOT obligated to choose a 1st place winner!
- FSMTA District Concerto Competition certificates for contestants can be ordered from: Hristo Popov, [email protected], 561-923-0465.
At your district awards ceremony, please announce that the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Concerto winners are obligated to represent your District and compete in the State Concerto Competition. The dates, location and details for the FSMTA Competitive Events can be found on the FSMTA Competitive Events page. Friday is for rehearsals only. All auditions will take place on Saturday.
- The State Concerto application fee of $40 should be paid by each winner using the online PayPal button on the FSMTA Competitive Events page. Deadline for payment of Competition Fees is April 10th.
- Complete and submit the District Concerto Chairman’s Report online by the March 31st deadline.
Again, thank you for serving as a District Concerto Competition Chairman. Do not hesitate to call at 352-214-6676 or email at [email protected] if you have questions.
Anastasiya Naplekova
FSMTA Vice President for Competitive Events